Targeted interventions that supercharge your learning and using new skills
The Cost of Forgetting
No matter how well-intentioned and motivated the learner is, once we get back to work after training, we are overwhelmed and distracted by work and life. We revert to familiar habits and comfortable patterns, and we quickly forget everything we learned. According to Ebbinghaus' research, we forget 75% after only 1-2 days!
Implement The Theory to Practicality in Real-Life
SEAC's 6Labs are short, powerful, targeted interventions that accelerate the learning application process and anchor application in workflows to deliver tangible results. They provide a curated range of simple, practical, applicable, and easily managed reinforcement activities that can be adjusted to reduce training time and focus on results and organizational/ individual capability building.
They enhance 5Phase and 4Line SMART learning experiences to move learners to application faster.
Unpacking Lab
Short, typically virtual sessions after a workshop or application focused on helping learners make sense of or gain a deeper understanding of key content, frameworks or models. Used in conjunction with courses containing more complex concepts or frameworks (e.g. design thinking, outward mindset).
Skill Practice Lab
Focuses on targeted practice around specific skills or tools covered in the program, which will be paired with learner's real-world situations. The goal is to increase the learner's confidence and enable them to apply these skills and tools effectively in both personal and professional settings.
S.T.A.R. Planning & Reflection Labs
Application & reflection are the keys to mastering new mindsets, skillsets & behaviors. This pre & post-set of labs focuses on planning, trying, and reflecting on applying new mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets in the learner's world with their key 'faces and places'.
Group/Individual Coaching Labs
Continuous or targeted coaching that reviews progress on agreed goals, provides expert support & additional tools for moving forward, and sets next actions for a person or group. Typically linked to and supporting project-based learning after or in between formal learning.
Impact Presentations
A 90-day to 3-month work/life project is planned to apply the learners' new mindset, skillsets, or toolsets. At the end of the period, learners present what they tried, the tools applied, and the positive impacts they made during the period. Sharing the Impact stories serves not only as an inspiration, but also as a collective wisdom to be leveraged in the future.
Community of Practice Labs
Ongoing Sharing Sessions bring together a group of individuals with a shared passion for a specific area of interest to reflect on their lessons learned and good practices or common issues / challenges. This is an effective intervention to sustain change after learning and implementing new skills and tools in their work/life.